
Meet Nortem BioGroup CEO

José Luis Vázquez

José Luis Vázquez, although he grew up in Bilbao, was welcomed by the land of fine wine, El Puerto de Santa María, 16 years ago. He is an engineer, founder and CEO of Nortem BioGroup. Passionate advocate of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, dedicated to exploring new frontiers in the field of organic production. Her love of natural products has been the driving force behind her career and daily activities.

He grew up in an environment where connection with the environment was a fundamental part of his life. From an early age, he showed an innate interest in nature and technology. This interest led him to study industrial engineering, where he acquired a solid understanding of the principles of food bio-innovation.

He embarked on a career dedicated to the research and development of products that were not only useful for everyday life, but also beneficial to health and respectful of the planet. Over the years, he has led different companies, playing key roles in the organisation and implementation of solutions that have revolutionised the industry.

He has been a pioneer in introducing innovative technologies that promote sustainability and health in the food chain. Its consumer-centred approach has resulted in the creation of products that not only meet market demands, but also promote sustainable agricultural practices and the responsible use of natural resources.

Currently, José Luis Vázquez dedicates his time to the main brands of Nortem BioGroup (Nortembio, NaturalPharma Labs or BioSalt Pearls, among others), where he continues to lead initiatives that seek to transform the way we perceive, produce and consume organic products.