
Nortem Biotechnoloy to open in the first quarter of 2015

The company rescues molasses waste and adds value by converting it into citric acid.

Nortem Biotechnology, located in the Las Salinas de Poniente industrial estate, plans to open its doors in the first quarter of 2015.. This was communicated by the management to the mayor, Alfonso Candón, during a visit to the Town Hall

Candón was able to learn about the purpose of this biotechnology company, which recovers the molasses residue and gives it value by converting it into citric acid (E-330), which is used for cosmetics and food products, among others. On the other hand, they indicate that this entity, which has a 1,300 square metre warehouse, is committed to the contribution of innovation to the production process to which they are dedicated, being also an activity that generates very little waste, so it can be identified as a fairly “clean and sustainable” company.

For his part, the councillor expressed his gratitude that “a new company is settling in the city, because we are open to the support that each of the entities that choose El Puerto to develop their activity”, above all “because it means that it generates economic wealth and jobs”. The company reported that they are initially targeting around thirteen jobs but intend to put in place a second phase soon to allow for more recruitment..

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